Edward and Naomi Dobson nee West, Sydney 1835
A member is conducting research into Ellen Callanan who came to Sydney on the
Duchess of Northumberland in 1835. She gained employment with Mrs Dobson
as a housekeeper soon after her arrival. I think that Mrs Dobson may have
been Naomi Dobson (nee West) as her and her husband seem to be the only
Dobsons I can find around Ellens time of arrival. Do you have any further
information on who Edward & Naomi Dobson were and their status in Sydney
around 1835 or where they lived?
West/Dobson - Source information
The info. I have, is taken from the late Ted Marriott's book, "Thomas West of Barcom Glen". Edward Dobson, arrived Sydney, "Surry" 1823, married St. James Sydney 11-3-1826. I believe they lived at Barcom Glen Paddington. They also, had propertyy at The Oaks. The 1828, census, has Edward, aged 28, came free 1823,dealer of Castlereagh st Sydney, wife Naomi 22, 2 children, He had 3 horses, 70 cattle & 30 sheep. In 1829, He was in partnership, with Richard Kemp, (featured in painting by John Carmichael, titled George St, & the Wharf). He had addresses, in George St, Kings St, & the Wharf.
Norm. Bailey