Shep's Place Family Tree

7 August 2022 - 7:39:31am

This is a single family tree where everyone is connected either directly or by marriage or adoption.

There are currently over 14,000 people on the family tree. See a brief statistical summary in the block below. In some cases the information on individuals and families is scant, in others there are comprehensive histories, memoirs, sources and photographic records, all contributed by family members. ‎(See About for a list of contributors.)‎

Every individual and every family unit has a page. Individual pages show known facts about the person and the families of which they are a child and/or spouse. Every individual page includes a family tree which you can drag and click on to link to ancestors and descendants. A Google map is also included showing birth, marriage, death and other event locations where these are known. You can zoom in on specific events down to village or even house, church or cemetery level.

There are also many traditional genealogy charts such as ancestry, descendancy, hour-glass and pedigree diagrams which you can view on the screen or print out in standard format.

You can also search for two individuals on the family tree and display one or more charts showing how they are related.

Some information, such as that on living people, is private and visible only to verified family members who are logged in. ‎(See our Privacy and Membership policies.)‎ If you believe that you are a member of this family you are welcome to contact the site administrator for a log-in account. Be prepared to provide sufficient information to verify your membership of the family.

We would be very grateful for any corrections or additions to our information and also for any helpful comments about the appearance or ease of use of our web site. Once again, please contact the site administrator.

Quick links:
Advanced search including "sounds like".
Browse surname lists.
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