Shep's Place Family Tree

Martha Brown Shepherd ‎(R52)‎
Name Martha Brown Shepherd
Last Change 19 February 2008 - 23:45:50

Martha Brown Shepherd
SOURTitleAuthorIndividualsFamiliesMediaShared NotesLast Change
1S212Alan Gordon Shepherd 30000 
2S234Alice Brown Banks Chapman 3000 
3S620Alice O'Neil 70005 May 2010 - 5:53:35pm
4S408Alta E. Dailey 1000 
5S310Andy Roberts 3400020 February 2008 - 12:09:09am
6S278Ann Carter Simoneaux Ensley 10000 
7S48Anne Taylor Weber 71000 
8S285Aurilla Heslop Miller 17000 
9S417Basil Gum 1000 
10S274Becky Brown Moonitz 1000 
11S109Betty Champers 1000 
12S465Birthday Book - Emma Fidler 5300029 February 2008 - 1:19:18pm
13S222Blaine Stevers 18000 
14S441Blanche Carey "Tina" Buttfield 10002 March 2008 - 9:45:38pm
15S199Bob Skitch 36100 
16S203Bronte Chapman Gould 348100 
17S388Bruce Boase 3000 
18S226Burnett Family HistoryTruman F. Burnett, Jr.31000 
19S318Buttfield NewsletterCynthia Waddle, Judy Peters Ed.8000 
20S174Carla van Kleek 69000 
21S374Claudie Sheets 125000 
22S217Donald Foglesong 15000 
23S361Earl R. Ewers 4000 
24S29Ed Berridge's ScrapbookEd Berridge1000 
25S376Edith Myers Sheets 9000 
26S219Eloise Niday Brown 68000 
27S429Ernie Buchecker 2000011 August 2008 - 5:27:02pm
28S214Ethel Shepherd Horwood 6000 
29S216Evelyn Foglesong Proffitt 59000 
30S434Florence Tait Tanner 2000 
31S104Frank Hamilton 1000 
32S369Frank Hill 1000 
33S406Frank Stevers 1000 
34S147Funeral Card 1000 
35S63Gene C. Stewart Jr. 1000 
36S47Gene Reynolds 1000 
37S273George Thomas McKnight 7000 
38S317Harvey Family 13000 
39S355History of the Walker Family 10000 
40S213Jean Shepherd Sargent 35000 
41S397Jim Proffitt 2000 
42S172Jo Ann Neal Hoover 8000 
43S410John J Saunders 1000 
44S46John Ruttencutter 4000 
45S435Joyce Tait Baker 2000 
46S308Judy Shepherd Peters 45000 
47S287Juhling McClung 17000 
48S433Kathleen Doris Shepherd 2000 
49S321Kaye Skitch Milne 2700028 March 2008 - 1:32:58pm
50S432Len Shepherd 2000 
51S591Linda Wokal 300028 May 2009 - 9:27:28pm
52S220Mamie Niday Robinson 36000 
53S341Marjorie Wallace Gates 14000 
54S491Mark Wing-Davey 180001 April 2008 - 5:03:42pm
55S364Marsom Buttfield 27000 
56S209Martha Brown Shepherd 9000 
57S211Martha Brown Shepherd & Judy Shepherd Peters 14200028 March 2008 - 1:34:44pm
58S111Martha Hamilton 13000 
59S57Martha Jeffers 7000 
60S395Martha Juhling 1000 
61S230Martha Louise Brown 18000 
62S223Martha Shepherd Family Records 2300021 February 2008 - 3:17:45pm
63S396Mary Ann Burnett Thornton 3000 
64S264Mary Kay Rose Robinson 13000 
65S431Mavis Buttfield 1000 
66S373Melba Thornton 3000 
67S231Mide Ginther McKnight 18000 
68S368Miles Harold Brown 3000 
69S266Myrtle Sheets Sowers 3000 
70S380Our Baptist Ancestors - A series of eight lectures to young peopleRev AW Bean1000 
71S621Patricia Baugher 100018 May 2010 - 9:36:38pm
72S402Patricia Hart Shepherd 1000 
73S40Pauley Beaver 13400 
74S131Reg Button 78100 
75S288Roberta Wilhelm Holzer 30000 
76S391Rupert Ross Mills 1000 
77S276Ruth Ann Brown Benoy 6000 
78S294Ruttencutter Family Bible 1000 
79S372Sadie Sheets Irion 4000 
80S286Samuel J. Foglesong 3000 
81S299Shepherd Family Death Album 14000 
82S130Sloggett: Index to the Surname Sloggett and Variants in AustraliaJennifer Sloggett50600 
83S21Survivors of the War of RebellionM. Trowbridge12000 
84S349The Legacy of William Carey, A Model for the Transformation of a CultureVishal & Ruth Mangalwadi1000 
85S377Thomas Thornton 5000 
86S430Tina Buttfield 1000 
87S24Tombstone 14000 
88S409Una Boase Shepherd 2000 
89S358William Douglas Greenshields 18000 
Total Sources : 89