Shep's Place Family Tree

The newspaper notice of his daughter Katie's wedding in 1887 incorrectly said that James was "late o… ‎(NI5871)‎
Shared Note

Shared Note: - The newspaper notice of his daughter Katie's wedding in 1887 incorrectly said that James was "late of Monreith Farm, Dulwich". Monreith actually belonged to an Alexander Fergusson who was not related.

The newspaper notice of his daughter Katie's wedding in 1887 incorrectly said that James was "late o…

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I5871FERGUSON, James
JAMES,FERGUSONFERGUSON,JAMES19671504625 November 2007 - 1:38:00pmMYESYES

Total individuals : 1