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‎(Research)‎:From the records on - Civil War Pension File - Contributed by Martha Hamilto… ‎(HI792)‎
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1860 - Mason Twp., Lawrence Co., Ohio Census - had two other people living with Jehu, Elizabeth, Descomb and Alice: James Kelley, 9yrs, born in Ohio and Henry Nida, 22yrs., farm laborer, born in Ohio.

Rev. Jehu Rose was a Civil War Veteran having served in the Union Forces. He was disabled from his service and received a pension from the government which was passed on to his widow, Harriet Coffman Rose, after his death in 1905.

Found on 1900 US Census living in Clay Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio, living with his second wife, Harriett. He was 67 at that time. He is listed at a farmer. Enumeration District 26, Sheet 9B, "1900 US Census," Clay Twp. Gall ia Co., Ohio, 15 Jun 1900.

Found in 1880 US Census living in Walnut Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio. Living with his wife and six children. He was 48 at that time. His occupation is listed as farmer. He was born in Ohio, his parents in W. Virginia. Enumeration District 37, Page No. 13 ‎(518)‎, "1880 US Census," Walnut Twp., Gallia C o, Ohio, 12 Jun 1880.

Found in 1870 US Census in Patriot Post Office, Walnut Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio living with his first wife, Elizabeth, and five children. He w as 38 at that time and worked as a school teacher. He had real estate valued at $500 and personal property valued at $1100. Page No. 41 ‎(555)‎, "1870 US Census," Walnut Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio, July 1870.

Served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was enrolled as a Sergeant on 25 August 1864 in Company K of the 173rd regiment of the Ohio Infantry Volunteers commanded by Captain James Mearcum. He was honorably discharged at Camp Dennison, Ohio on 5 July 1865.

"While a member of the organization, in the service and in the line of duty at Nashville, Tennessee on or about 1 December 1864, he contracted rheumatism and resulting disease of the heart and a disease of the head."

The above mentioned ailments resulted in later disability for which he collected an invalid pension and his widow, Harriet Rose, received a survivors pension after he died.

"Declaration for an Original Invalid Pension" which was probably the first filing of his pension file was dated 2 November 1889. States that " on or about 1 December 1864 he contracted rheumatism and resulting disease of heart and a disease of the head by the exposures and hardships incident to the life of a soldier - and from said diseases this claimant has not recovered but has continued to be partially disabled by the same."

He states in the form that at present he was a farmer and his previous occupations included farmer, teacher and preacher. His residence at that time was Walnut Township, Gallia County, Ohio and the post office address w as Sand-Fork, Gallia County, Ohio.

The following is the report from a surgeon's certificate from the pension file at a time when Jehu Rose was applying for an increase in pension. Date of the examination 15 July 1903.

"We find no swelling enlargement atrophy or contraction of muscles or tendons of joints. We find marked crepitus in shoulder elbow hip and knee joints also in finger joints. Claimant complains of pain on motion and pressure in right shoulder joint and lumbar region bending over he assumes the erect posture with difficulty. Claimant states that he is never free from pain in some of his joints. Rating for rheumatism 14/18.

"We find an increased area of cardiac dullness in all directions. Apex be at is diffused there is a loud blowing systolic murmur transmitted toward the axilla. Heart action is rapid irregular and intermittent both sounds are lessened. We are unable to count the rapid pulse after slight exercise, but taken with a stethescope his heart beats are 114 per minute. Dyspuora and cyanosis are very marked. His heart drops out about 6 beats per minute. There is ordirua with pitting on pressure of the feet andkles and legs to knees. There are marked muscular tremors. The urine is clear straw acid cp. gr. 1015, no sugar but a slight trace of albumin and uric acid. Rating for disease of heart 17/18.

"Chest measurement 39, 38, 41 inches. No evidence of disease of lungs other than slight congestion from diranged heart action. We find claimant's tongue brown coated center and base red top an

And, Martha came up with another obituary - I will try to find the origin al at Bossard Library :

The following obiturary also appeared in a local paper and was copied in his pension file. No indication of the source of the paper was given.

"Rev. Jehu Rose died Friday evening, March 3, 1905, after a long illness of dropsy and heart trouble, aged 73 years. Early in life he was a farmer but about thirty years ago became a regularly ordained minister and belonged to various conferences of the M.E. Church in this state. He was also a veteran of the civil war, being a member of Company K, 173 O.V.I., and belonged to the local G.A.R. Post, under whose auspices he was buried. About ten years ago he was retired from the ministry and had been an invalid ever since. He was an honorable, upright gentleman, a good husband and father and his death will be regretted by his numerous acquaintances. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon, interment following at Clay Chapel by Wetherholt. He leaves a second wife and a large family of children by his first wife and numerous other relatives who will be sympathised with in their bereavement.


"Null School"
Deed Records, Volume 43, Pg. 301
"William Null and his wife Rebecca Null to R. D. Miller, A. A. Bostic, Marion McDaniel, John Williams, JEHU ROSE, William White, Green Vermillion, M .D. Maddy, George Miller, Henry McDaniel, David Roberts and William D. Nul l, as the TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WALNUT TOWNSHIP, having paid $10.00 before delivery have bargained and granted to the said Board.........
This record deeded property from William and Rebecca Null the the Walnut T wp. Board of Education.

Home in 1860
Jehu Rose, Mason, Lawrence, OH 27 1832 Ohio Male
Elisabeth Rose, Mason, Lawrence, OH 28 1831 Ohio Female
Descomb Rose, Mason, Lawrence, OH 2 1857 Ohio Male
Alice Rose Mason, Lawrence, OH 1 1858 Ohio Female
James H Kelly Mason, Lawrence, OH 9 1850 Ohio Male
Henry Nida Mason, Lawrence, OH 22 1837 Ohio Male

Home in 1870
Jehu Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 38 1831 Ohio White Male
Elizabeth J Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 40 1829 Ohio White Female
Descomb A. Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 12 1857 Ohio White Male
Alice Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 11 1858 Ohio White Female
Harvey W Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 9 1860 Ohio White Male
Rachel E Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 6 1863 Ohio White Female
Stephen T Rose Walnut, Gallia, OH 3 1866 Ohio White Male

Home in 1880
Jehu ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 48 <1832> Ohio Male Self
Elizabeth ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 50 <1830> Ohio Female Wife
Descomb A. ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 22 <1858> Ohio Male Son
Alice ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 20 <1860> Ohio Female Dau
Harvey W. ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 18 <1862> Ohio Male Son
Rachel E. ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 15 <1865> Ohio Female Dau
Stephen T. ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 13 <1867> Ohio Male Son
Jehu C. ROSE Walnut, Gallia, OH 9 <1871> Ohio Male Son

From : Archives <>
Sent : Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:26 AM
To :
Subject : Jehu Rose research

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Hi Roma,
We received your electronic request for information of the Rev. Jehu Rose. Our genealogical research fee is a flat $25.00 payable once you receive material from us in the mail. This covers research, photocopies, and mailing costs.

Are you willing to pay this fee? Also, we have quite a backlog of requests right now, so we wouldn't be getting back to you for a month or two.

Please let me know if you want us to proceed with the research. We will wait to put the request "in the queue" until we hear back from you. Thanks.

Carol Holliger, Archivist
Archives of Ohio United Methodism
Ohio Wesleyan University, Beeghly Library
43 Rowland Avenue
Delaware, OH 43015
‎(740)‎ 368-3285 ‎(voice)‎
‎(740)‎ 368-3222 ‎(fax)‎

Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record
Marriage Date: 18 Jun 1885
County: Gallia
State: OH
Marriage Date: 18 Jun 1885
County: Gallia
State: OH

Last Change 25 March 2009 - 15:58:17

(Research):From the records on - Civil War Pension File - Contributed by Martha Hamilto…

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I792ROSE, Rev. Jehu
ROSE, John
JEHU,ROSEROSE,JEHU19261197230 April 2009 - 9:21:06amMYESYES

Total individuals : 1