Shep's Place Family Tree

‎(Research)‎:In Hardesty's History ‎(page 22)‎ Matilda is said to have married a Steber. ‎(HI2731)‎
Shared Note

Shared Note: - (Research):In Hardesty's History (page 22) Matilda is said to have married a Steber.

(Research):In Hardesty's History (page 22) Matilda is said to have married a Steber.

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I2731RANKIN, Matilda
KOONTZ, Matilda
MATILDA,RANKINRANKIN,MATILDA171014624 26 November 2008 - 8:26:41amFYESYES

Total individuals : 1