Shep's Place Family Tree

‎(Research)‎:The mother of Addison Jarrott's children has variously been identified as Elizabeth Hughe… ‎(HI1026)‎
Shared Note

Shared Note: - (Research):The mother of Addison Jarrott's children has variously been identified as Elizabeth Hughes, Martha Allen and Winifred Babbitt. A Winnie Bobbitt is also identified as the spouse of Adda Jarrottt Jr. Gist & Jarret also propo ses Martha Allen. Martha seems to get the vote although it is acknowledged that majority doesn't actually rule in this field. Any further insights will be hugely appreciated.

(Research):The mother of Addison Jarrott's children has variously been identified as Elizabeth Hughe…

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I1026JARROTT, Addison Adda
circa 1760
after 1850
175903 December 2007 - 5:47:00pmMYESYESR

Total individuals : 1