Mr & Mrs Moses Morgan of this city were married at Mason City, West Virginia, 1900. They have been citizens of Jackson for many years past and on Saturday evening October 20th, at 7 p.m. a large number of friends came to assist them in celebrating their Silver. The cards said "no gifts." The evening was delightfully spent. There were two solos by Miss Marianna Jones, and a poem by Hon. John T. Moore. The refreshments served added to the enjoyment of the evening. Mrs. Morgan wore her wedding dress on this occasion, and it received much attention at the hands of the ladies. Eben Jones told watermelon stories at the expense of the groom and the evening came to an end only too soon. All departed hoping for Mr and Mrs Morgan a greater anniversary twenty-five years hence. [They did!]
Note: Aunt Dickie lived in Jackson, but she never got over leaving Mason City. Uncle Moses had mines and farms. Oh my, he was rich! They lived on South Street next to the Sternbergens. Aunt Dickie was a kinda tall, thin, wiry woman.
Aunt Dickie was never the same after Katie died (5 yrs old).