June 28, 1889. "The Mason City teachers have been hired, and they will draw magnificent salaries. The female teachers will draw at least twenty-dollars a month, and some of them twenty-two. We think this is too much wages. They will never know how to spend it all. It will make them extravagant we fear, for it takes a spendthrift to get away with twenty dollars a month, when one only has to board and clothe himself. The male man who teaches the grammar school will get forty dollars a month, and the principal fifty-three. They will have to throw their money at the birds. Shame on the Board of Education, thus to squander the people's money!"
July, 1894. "Teachers for the year are: Mr. Thomas, Miss Nannie Jarrott, Mrs. Kate Beller, Misses Mollie Brannon, Lizzie Burnell, Myrtle Adams, Nannie Hart, and Anna Lederer."
Note: "Miss Nannie Jarrott," who was small and short - very petite - taught first grade children for 50 years. The people in Point Pleasant just loved her. Aunt Nannie didn't marry, so she lived with us in Point Pleasant while she was teaching. After she retired, she moved back to Mason City to live with Aunt Sadie and Uncle Will [Ruttencutter].
I remember that Aunt Nannie had a nose bleed that they didn't know how to stop."