Publication: South Australia, Buttfield Family Committee, ISBN 0 646 03208 9, 1991 Citation Details: p. 120
Note: Harry Pope was a Sergeant Major who served at Gallipoli in World War I. Harry was wounded at Gallipoli and subsequently sent home; and soon after his return, he and Mabel were married. They lived at Mt Gambier for a while, but under the Soldier Settlement Scheme at the end of the war they moved to Waikerie, where they grew fruit. After Harry died in 1964, Mabel did not want to sell the property; so Doreen and her husband moved to Waikerie. This was facilitated by the Electricity Trust of South Australia which transferred Harry to Waikerie. After Mabel had a stroke, Doreen and Harold sold the family home and moved to Fulham, a suburb of Adelaide.