Biographical Notes |
Note: 1870 Greenup Co., Kentucky: Martha was 18 yrs and a seamstress. She and all of her siblilngs had been born in [West] Virginia. 1880 Greenup Co., Kentucky: "Julia" (Did she go by Julia all the time?) was 29 yrs and keeping house for her family since the death of her mother Mary A. Alexander in 1876.
1910 Armona Twp, Kings Co, California: Martha Julia was living in California with her brothers Lemuel and John R., who were fruit farmers. Also in the household were two sisters, Miriam 52 and Mary Breckenridge 48, widowed. Two little orphaned girls, Thelma and Stella J. Bishop, born in Colorado, were also living with them.
1910 Lucerne Twp, Kings Co, California:"Julia" was 68 yrs old and living with her brother Lemuel and sister Mary Breckenridge.