I've been told that my father was a bit mischievous as a youngster, and maintained a good sense of humor along with responsibility as long as he lived. He spent most of his life doing farming and farm related work, including the operation of sawmills and grain threshing machines that went from farm to farm doing custom work for neighbors and fellow countrymen. After his family was grown, he gradually got away from the farm and spent his last few working years in selling and general merchandise and hardware. As my brother Dale used to say, Dad's name never went up in lights and he never claimed any great title, but he knew hard work, and his integrity was never challenged by any man.
My mother, Bessie Massie was a hard working farm wife, very dedicated to rearing the four of us children. She was a very serious person and was often on the receiving end of much kidding by my father! She never was sure when he was serious or just kidding. She was born in 1890 and died in 1981.