Note: David, as he was commonly called, was born in 1748 on the Atlantic Ocean while his parents were en route to America from Germany. [Alternatively, he was born in Ontario, Canada.] He lived in Maryland during the early part of his life, probably in that part near Cumberland, Maryland. He married a German girl, Mary, who also was of Maryland.
Family records show that David served in the Revolutionary War from 1775 until its close.
David is known to have lived in Berkeley Co., Virginia (now West Virginia) in 1780. He also owned considerable property in Hampshire Co., Virginia (now West Virginia). See Historic Old Shepardstown wherein "David Needy" is mentioned as owning 300 acres of land in Berkeley County in 1780. Also original deed, Land office, Richmond, Virginia by Lord Fairfax to "David Nidy" for 215 acres of land in Hampshire Co. Virginia, a part of the famous Northern Neck Grant, dated May 26, 1780. This deed recites that "David Nidy" is a resident of Berkeley Co., Virginia. In deeding away this latter property he signed his name Johann David vonNida. His wife Mary also signed.
It appears that shortly after 1780 David and his family moved down the Shenendoah Valley into Botetourt County (probably what is now Allegheney Co and Craig Co). David Nidey appears on the tax list of Botetourt County, Virginia for the year 1783, appearing to be the owner of 345 acres of land of a tax value of £63. David gradually acquired considerable land in what is now Giles, Craig and Allegheney Counties. Apparently the most of this land was in the valley of Sinking Creek, Craig County. At one time he owned more than 1000 acres of land, some of it selling for as much as £700 for 345 acres.
The time and place of the deaths of David and Mary are not known at this time. Both joined in executing deeds in 1807. David signed another deed in 1809. Both deeds describe him as being of Giles Co. Virginia. It is possible that the 1809 deed was signed by David Jr. Apparently David distributed much of his property to his children before his death.
David Nida's name does not appear upon the tax cuplicate for Botetourt Co for 1809, although the names of several of his sons appear there. It is possible that he died about that time, or removed to Giles Co., selling all of his property in Botetourt.