Note: October 11, 1861 Probate Court of Gallia County. Be it remembered that Mary Perkins, Guardian of the Minors of Price S. Perkins, filed her final account for settlement...on 17...September 1861.
Note: The Perkins were in Harrison township by 1840. Besides Price and Mary, there were six girls and one boy. Only the name of the head of household, Price, was given.
By 1850 Price had died, leaving Mary, aged 50, with three of her children: Mary 27, Martha 22 and John 19. John's occupation was farmer. In this census Mary goes by the name of "Frances." She owned real estate worth $1,000.
In 1860 Mary 64 owned real estate worth $2,500 and personal estate worth $400. Living with her were her grandson Frank Dickey, eight years old. They lived close to Mary's son John and Caroline Perkins and their baby daughter Amanda, who was seven months.
In 1870 Mary 74 yrs was "keeping house;' and her granddaughter Laura Dickey 14 was her "assistant." Mary owned real estated valued at $3260 and owned personal estate worth $400.
In 1880 Mary 82 yrs, was living in Harrison township as head of the household with her granddaughter Lily J. Dickey 23 yrs. Mary's father had been born in England and her mother in Virginia.
On Mary's tombstone at the Perkins' Cemetery in Harrison township, it gives Mary's age as 93 yrs.
Name Note
Note: In a letter to Eloise Niday Brown, Genevieve (?) of Cygnet, Ohio, 28 March 1984 said that Martha Perkins had named their eldest daughter Mary Frances for her grandmother Mary Hare and the Frances for an aunt, presumably Martha's sister, who died aged 30, single. [She is buried with her parents at the Perkins Cemetery, Harrison Twp. section 9, north side of Burn Run on the property of John Saunders.]