Note: Richard and Phoebe Lewis sailed from Plymouth on 10 Jan 1840 on the "Coromandel" arriving in Port Phillip on 10 July 1840.
Immigration note: "List of Immigrants, British Subjects, who have been introduced into the Colony of New South Wales, at Port Phillip, on the 10th day of July 1840 by Mr John Marshall of London per the Ship 'Coromande' Dr. Wilson at. Surgeon Superintendent. Sailed from Plymouth, England on 10th January 1840 No. 75. Name: Richd. LEWIS. Age: 21. Calling: carpenter. Native Place: Gloucestershire. Religion: Protestant. Read or Write: Both. By Whom Employed: -. Bounty per head: £18. Bounty per Family: £36. No. 76. Name: Phebe LEWIS. Age: 26. Calling: Housemaid. Native Place: Gloucestershire. Religion: Protestant. Read or Write: Both. By Whom Employed: -. Bounty per head: £18" (Book 2 Page 145)