Note: In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I Robert G. Heslop of Mason County West Virginia do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
Item 1st I give bequeath and devise to my only daughter S.E. [Sarah Elizabeth] Lehew wife of Peter Lehew for and during her natural life time that certain lot and building ....latley used and occupied by her for a grocery and restaurant situated in the town of Mason in Mason County West Virginia located near opposite the Railroad Depot, on First street, in said town of Mason, bounded on the north easterly side by an alley, on the southerly side by First street, and on the westerly side by lot owned by W.E. Ruttencutter and upon the death of my said daughter, I give and devise said real estate so devised to my daughter during her life time as aforesaid to my two grand daughters children of said S.E. Lehew named respectively Susan Lehew and Mable Lehew, absolutely and in fee simpleto share and share alike, I also give and bequeath to my said daughter S.E. Lehew the sum of Five hundred dollars to be paid her by my Executor out of any money that I may have in Bank or out of any money which I may have which has not been bequeathed to any other person in my last Will and Testament. Item 2. I give and bequeath to my son Charles Heslop, who now lives in Columbus, Ohio, the sum of Seven hundred and fifty dollars in addition to two hundred and sixty-dollars which I have heretofore advanced him, said sum of $ be paid him out of the proceeds of the sale of any real estate I may have at my death, not specifically devised to others by this my last Will and Testament. Item 3. I give and bequeath to my son John Heslop a debt of three hundred dollars owing from him to me as evidenced by a promissory note which I hold against him for said sum of $300.00 I will and direct that upon my death said debt and note of $300. be cancelled and my executor is directed to surrender up said note to my said son John Heslop for cancellation. Item 4. I give and bequeath to each of my aforenamed grand daughters one hundred dollars which is to be collected by my executor from my son John Heslop on a promissory note of two hundred dollars which he owes me and which I hold against him in addition to the $300.00 note mentioned and referred to in the last item of this Will and as soon as my said executor collects the same he is then to pay the same to my said two grand daughters. Item 5. I give and bequeath to my son Thayer Heslop a debt of Nine hundred dollars evidenced by a promissory note for that amount which I hold against him I will and direct that upon my death said debt and note of nine hundred dollars be cancelled and that my executor surrender up said note to my son Thayer for cancellation. I also will and direct my executer to pay to my said son Thayer Heslop in addition to said sum of nine hundred dollars the sum of one hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the sale of any real estate I may have at my death which I have not specifically devised to any other person. Item 6. I give and bequeath to my son Robert Heslop a debt of one thousand and sixty-dollars, which I hold against him. I will and direct that upon my death the amount of One thousand dollars of said debt be cancelled and that upon his paying to my executor the residue of said indebtedness as evidenced by said note amount... . as aforesaid and out of the proceeds of said sale he pay first the several sums bequeathed to my two sons Charles Heslop and Thayer Heslop, and any other debts and other liabilities that may be incurred by me, or by my executor in the settling up the estate. Item 12. I will and direct that all the balance and residue of my personal estate not specifically bequeathed be divided equally by my executor between my daughter S. E. Lehew and my three sons Robert Heslop, Thayer Heslop and Charles Heslop Item 13. All the rest and residue and remainder of whatever money may be left of the proceeds of the sale of real estate by my executer as herein directed to be made after paying all the legal liabilities against my estate I give and bequeath to my daughter S.E. Lehew. Item 14. I will and direct if any legatee or devisee under this will shall present to my executor an account against my estate of a date prior to my death and the same shall be allowed or recovered against my estate then it is my will that the amount so allowed or recovered against my estate shall be deducted by my executor from the sum or sums so by me givn or bequeathed....... Item 15. I hereby nominate and appoint my son-in-law Peter Lehew sole Executor of this my last will and Testament .....
This will was probated in the Mason county court on May 4 1903. At that time John W.C. Heslop for the sum of $1. gives all of his inheritance to his brother Thayer.
Note: We first find Robert Heslop in County Durham, England, where he was a carpenter's apprenctice in Bishop Castle, northeast of his hometown, Barnard Castle. He was 15 years old. His sponsor was John Walton, 30 years, a cabinet maker. Young Joseph Allan, 15, was a joiner's apprentice at the same place. John Walton's mother Mary 55 was most likely doing the cooking. The Waltons and their apprentices lived at Market Place, which would have been in the heart of Bishop Castle.
This person was the right age, born in Durham, and named Robert Heslop; however, it was the carpenter's apprentice that convinced me that it was Robert Greenwood Heslop. Nonetheless, because he wasn't living with his parents, John and Sara, we cannot verify him.
Robert married Susanna Dixon in England about 1844, and within the next few years they emigrated to the United States because all of their chidren were born in America beginning in 1851. Sarah, first child, was born in New York state; the others in Ohio.
In 1860 in Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio: Robert, 37 years was a pattern maker, and Susanna, 38, have five children: Sarah nine, John W. six, Charles three, Robert G. one and Thomas (Thayer) 5 months. Susanna was a very busy woman!
By the 1870 census, the Heslops had moved across the Ohio River to Mason City, West Virginia, where Robert, 51 [notice the discrepancy in his age--which is correct?], is a cabinetmaker while Susan D., 50, is keeping house. They have five children at home: Sarah E. "Lizzie" 19, John W. 16, Charles E. 12, "Thair" H. (Thayer) ten and Robert G ten. [They weren't the same age.]
All but Lizzie were born in Ohio; she was born in New York State. It was noted that both parents were foreign born.
1880 Waggener District, Mason Co., West Virginia: Robert, 57, is "farming and gardening." Susan, 57, is at home while Charles E., 22, is a blacksmith; Robert G., 21, is a cabinetmaker; and Thayer H. is a saddler.
Robert spent his last years with his daughter Lizzie Lehew and her husband Peter.
Note: The receipt from the medical doctor had an angel on it. Dated Oct 7, 1903, Mason W Va. Received of P.A. Lehew, Executor for R.G. Heslop, Five and 25/100 Dollars in payment in full of account for medical services to R.G. Heslop, deceased. Tunis Nunemaker, M.D.
Dated August 4, 1903 at Mason 50 Bch Staves 1.50 Regular Marietta and Middleport Tri-Weekly Freight and Passenger Packet (Leaves Middleport every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 a.m. Leaves Marietta every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 a.m.
Receipt from B. F. Biggs, Furnisher & Undertaker (Net Cash, Thirty Days. eight Per Cent. Interest charged on Account after Maturity.)
Pomeroy, Ohio June 6th 1903 Mr. R.G. Heslop, Estate by Peter Lehew Exct.
Nov. 13 1903 Mr. P. A. Lehew Admistrator of Heslop Estate In Account with Fred E. Bletner, Dealer In General Merchandise, Paints Oils Varnishes Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods Mason City, W.Va. Nov. 13 Nails $1.37
Mason, W.Va., Mar 26 1903 Mr. R.G Heslop In Account with Tunis Nunemaker, Physician and Surgeon. 1903 Aug. 6 To Treatment $ .50 Sept 9 " Visit 1.00 " 11 " Medicine .50 " 13 Medicine .50 " 23 " Treatment .75 " 31 " Visit 1.00 Mar 16 " Visit 1.00 $5.25
Condensed Statement of The Merchants National Bank of Point Pleasant, West Virginia At the Close of Business June 30, 1914.
Resources (notes & bills, US bonds, cash and due from banks) $693,529.11 Liabilities (capital stock, surplus profits, circulating notes, deposits, etc.) "