Marriage | Yes
Family Notes |
Source: Stella WoodCitation Details: Email September 2011
Note: "Luther H. Martt married Clarinda Harbor. Luther died in his early 30's leaving Clarinda with 7 children to take care of. My Grandfather, Stanley Estil Martt, was 2 years old when his father died. Clarinda didn't have funds for a headstone - so Luther was buried in a small cemetery at Elliotsville, KY- in an unmarked grave. Later some of the family wanted to move Luther to the Stewart cemetery in Clearfield, KY (suburg of Morehead). But, no living person was sure where Luther was buried - so they put up a stone for Luther in the Stewart cemetery. I thought you would find this story interesting, and every word is true. I think of this story every time I put flowers on Luther's 'grave' at Clearfield. I have attached a pic of Luther's headstone."
Last Change | 19 September 2011 - 15:56:56