Shep's Place Family Tree

Luther H. MARTT + Clarinda Clara HARBOR

Children  ‎(1 child)‎

Parents Grandparents
Luther H. MARTT ‎(I24680)‎
Birth 3 September 1859 31 30 Ohio, USA
Death 23 April 1897 ‎(Age 37)‎
Joseph Hendricks MARTT ‎(I176)‎
Birth 12 February 1828 40 33 Ohio, USA
Death 5 June 1883 ‎(Age 55)‎ Guyan Township, Gallia County, Ohio, USA
Lydia Frances THORNTON ‎(I180)‎
Birth 28 February 1829 35 43 Ohio, USA
Death 24 April 1884 ‎(Age 55)‎ Gallia County, Ohio, USA

Clarinda Clara HARBOR ‎(I26501)‎
Birth 9 February 1858
Death 18 May 1938 ‎(Age 80)‎

Family Group Information   (F9167)
Family Notes

Hide Details Source: Stella Wood

Citation Details:  Email September 2011

Note: "Luther H. Martt married Clarinda Harbor. Luther died in his early 30's leaving Clarinda with 7 children to take care of. My Grandfather, Stanley Estil Martt, was 2 years old when his father died. Clarinda didn't have funds for a headstone - so Luther was buried in a small cemetery at Elliotsville, KY- in an unmarked grave. Later some of the family wanted to move Luther to the Stewart cemetery in Clearfield, KY ‎(suburg of Morehead)‎. But, no living person was sure where Luther was buried - so they put up a stone for Luther in the Stewart cemetery. I thought you would find this story interesting, and every word is true. I think of this story every time I put flowers on Luther's 'grave' at Clearfield. I have attached a pic of Luther's headstone."
Last Change 19 September 2011 - 15:56:56