Marriage | 29 July 1936 Mason, Mason County, West Virginia, USA
Wedding | 29 July 1936 Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio, USA
Source: Gallipolis Daily TribuneCitation Details: 30 Jul 1936
Note: NIDAY-BROWN NUPTIALS LOVELY AFFAIRAt 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 29, Miss Eloise Niday, daughter of Mrs. E.C. Niday of this city, became the bride of Mr. Harold Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Brown of Fairmont, W. Va. Rev. L. W. [Lewis Weber] Gishler of First Presbyterian church of Gallipolis read the single ring ceremony in the Methodist Episcopal church at Mason City, W.Va. The church which was beautifully decorated in Queen Anne's lace and mountain laurel with sort white candl lighting, was the scene this morning at 11 o'clock of the marriage of the bridegroom's cousin, Miss Evelyn Foglesong of Mason City to Ray Proffitt of Pt. Pleasant. Miss Niday and her maid of honor, Miss Helen McNealey of this city, were dressed in summery frocks of chiffon and made pretty pictures as they met the groom and his best man, Donald Foglesong of Mason City, at the altar. Miss Mary Louise Mohr of this city played the nuptial music. Immediately after the ceremony there was an informal reception at the home of Mr. Brown's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foglesong. After a short wedding trip the couple will reside here. Mrs. Brown is one of the city's fairest and most winsome girls. She graduated from F. A. H. S. in 1933 and has been employed as stenographer with the Wiseman and Wickline Insurance agency. Mr. Brown has made many friends here during his association at the G. A. H. S. as athletic coach. He received his degree at Ohio university and is a member of Delta Tau Delta national social fraternity and of Torch and Blue Key men's honorary fraternities. Those attending from her in addition to the members of the bridal party were the bride's mother and sister, Mrs. E. C. Niday and Mrs. Frank Robinson, Miss Helen Arthur, Miss Louise Switzer and Miss Susanna Lupton.
[Another article with photo of Eloise from the Gallipolis Daily Tribune]
Mrs. Harold Brown Miss Eloise Niday, daughter of Mrs. Goldie Niday, and Mr. Harold Brown, Gallipolis high school athletic coach, were united in marriage last Wednesday. Rev. L. W. Gishler of the Gallipolis Presbyterian church read the service. The bride was honored by many pre-nuptial affairs.
Honeymoon | 30 July 1936
Note: Harold and Eloise spent their wedding night at the Lowe Hotel in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. They went back to Mason the next day for the wedding of Harold's first cousin Evelyn Foglesong to Ray Proffitt. Next Eloise and Harold headed off for the big city of Pittsburgh. (I suppose that they drove their car.) They stayed at the Hotel William Penn for two nights at a cost of $5.25.
Eloise's "colonial bridal bouquet," which included mixed flowers and lots of Queen Anne's Lace, cost $5.15, almost as much as those two nights at the Hotel William Penn in Pittsburgh.
Last Change | 22 February 2009 - 16:38:08
Multimedia Object | 1935 Gallipolis - Harold and Eloise Brown (M581)
Type: Photo
Multimedia Object | 1936 Eloise, Harold Brown (M582)
Type: Photo
Multimedia Object | 1936 Mason - Wedding - Eloise Niday, Harold Brown (M583)
Type: Photo
Multimedia Object | 1936 Mason WV Wedding Seal (M586)
Type: Certificate
Multimedia Object | 1936 Society Wedding (M587)
Type: Newspaper