Shep's Place Family Tree
Descendancy Chart:
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Catherine Bufford Kate DIMMITT
Frances M. DIMMITTFrances M. (unknown) (I11715)
Birth circa 1825 -- Kentucky, USA
Number of Children: 3 Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Darlington E. FEE
Jesse Dimmitt FEE
Darlington E. Darl FEE
Katherine FEE
Anne FEECatherine Bufford Kate DIMMITT (I1342)
Birth 3 October 185231
27 -- Mason County, Kentucky, USA
1 . 1Marriage 3 June 1874 -- Kentucky, USA
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Catherine Bufford Kate DIMMITT
Jesse Dimmitt FEE
Darlington E. Darl FEE
Katherine FEE
Anne FEEDarlington E. FEE (I1341)
Birth circa 183234 -- Ohio, USA
Number of Children: 4 Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Carrie Adele BROWN
Darlington E. FEE
Ann K. FEEJesse Dimmitt FEE (I748)
Birth 187543
22 -- New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio, USA
Death 5 September 1924 (Age 49) -- New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA
1 . 1 . 1Marriage 22 January 1902 -- Saint Peters Episcopal Church, Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio, USA
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Jesse Dimmitt FEE
Darlington E. FEE
Ann K. FEECarrie Adele BROWN
Birth 23 September 188140
35 -- Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio, USA
Death July 1976 (Age 94) -- Metairie, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA
Number of Children: 3 Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeDarlington E. FEE (I7870)
Birth 190429
22 -- New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio, USA
1 . 1 . 1 . 1
1 . 1 . 1 . 2Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
PrivateAnn K. FEE
Birth December 191540
34 -- New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio, USA
Death before 1963 (Age 47)
1 . 1 . 1 . 3
No children
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
PrivateDarlington E. Darl FEE (I7873)
Birth 21 July 187644
23 -- New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio, USA
Death 7 November 1938 (Age 62) -- Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, USA
1 . 1 . 2Marriage circa 1908
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Darlington E. Darl FEE
PrivateLida ROGERS (I7874)
Birth circa 187833
26 -- Kentucky, USA
Death 26 June 1961 (Age 83) -- Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, USA
Number of Children: 2
1 . 1 . 2 . 1
1 . 1 . 2 . 2
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeKatherine FEE (I6747)
Birth November 188250
30 -- New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio, USA
1 . 1 . 3Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeAnne FEE (I7876)
Birth Yes
1 . 1 . 4
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeJuliana DIMMITT (I11714)
Birth circa 185635
31 -- Kentucky, USA
1 . 2Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeFrances M. DIMMITT (I11713)
Birth circa 185837
33 -- Kentucky, USA
1 . 3